Völkischer Beobachter. Forsider Völkischer Beobachter. Front pages

Blyant, akryl, slettelak. Avispapir.
Völkischer Beobachter var et nazistisk dagblad. Det var en nationalistisk, stærkt anti-semitisk og udspekuleret propaganda-avis. Avisens navn betyder ”avisen der overvåger på vegne af befolkningen”. Det udtrykker ofte diktaturers selvforståelse: de er befolkningens sande nyhedsformidlere.
Pencil, acryl, correction fluid. Newspaper.
Völkischer Beobachter was a Nazi newspaper. It was a nationalist, strongly anti-Semitic and cunning propaganda newspaper. The name of the newspaper meant “the newspaper that monitors on behalf of the population”. It often expressed the dictatorship’s understanding of itself: they were the true news communicators of the population.
Bleistift, Acryl, Korrekturflüssigkeit. Zeitung.