Sovjetunionens flag. 2 • The flag of the Soviet Union. 2

Akryl. Karton, masonit.
Sovjetunionens flag havde en rød baggrund – revolutionens farve. I øverste hjørne var en hammer og et segl samt en stjerne. Hammeren var et symbol på arbejderen, seglet på bønderne. Stjernen repræsenterede Sovjetunionens kommunistiske parti.
Acryl. Carton, Masonite.
The flag of the Soviet Union had a red background – the color of the revolution. In the upper corner was a hammer and a sickle as well as a star. The hammer was a symbol of the worker, the sickle of the peasants. The star represented the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Acryl. Karton, Masonit.